Surnames H to I - Page 2:  Shetland Y-DNA Surname Project
Surname             DYS Markers and Allele Values:  For 26 to 37 See
and (Kit#)             3  3  1  3  3  3  4  3  4  3  3  3  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
                       9  9  9  9  8  8  2  8  3  8  9  8  5  5  5  5  5  4  3  4  4  6  6  6  6
                       3  0      1  5  5  6  8  9  9  2  9  8  9  9  5  4  7  7  8  9  4  4  4  4
                                      a  b             +      +     a  b                         a  b  c  d
                                                         1      2
Haplogroup; Proposed Origin: Surname - Y-DNA; Meaning and Early Occurrences of Name - Shetland
(Beattie), Orkney (Lamb), Scotland (Black)
; Traditions; Earliest Kown Paternal Ancestor; DNA
; Comments
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HOSEASON         13 24 14 11 11 13 12 12 11 13 13 29
R1b;  Shetland Aboriginal - (Western Norway); Patronymic; None recorded; Hosea ROBERTSON
born 1743, Aywick, East Yell, son of Robert HOSEASON
; The YHRD database indicates that this
participant's haplotype is the most frequently occuring R1b signture in Western Norway.  There are
16 exact matches in the FTDNA customer database.  The only exact matches in the Haplogroup
Database are Iceland (4) and Shetland (4).  As the number of mutational steps begin to increase
there are matches with a host of countries from Portugal to the Ukraine.  At the one step level there
are 3 matches with Norway
; Although this participant's surname is HOSEASON, and his ancestral
roots in the male line are linked to East Yell, he is not a direct descendant in the male line of the
SJOVALD below (23271), but is a descendant in another line
HOSEASON         13 25 15 11 11 14 12 12 11 13 11 31
R1a;  Shetland Aboriginal - Norse; Patronymic; The tradition in this family is that the early
ancestor was one Sjovald (Sea Rover) who was from Sweden or Norway and who was
shipwrecked off East Yell and came to reside in Aywick.  This family is very prominent and is
featured in Grant's 1893 book on Shetland families.  Sjovald's grandson John LAURENSON
was "Foud of Shetland" (lawmaker) and indicates the family's well established position in the
early 1600s;
Laurence SJOVALDSON, born 1535, Aywick, East Yell, son of the above SJOVALD;
No exact matches in the FTDNA customer database.  In the Haplogroup Database there are exact
matches with Iceland (2) and Shetland (1).  At the 3 step mutation level the largest number of
matches are with India (17) and Russia (Altai) (19)
;  This family may not be of Aboriginal Shetland
descent, depending on definitions.  Since the surname ends in "son", and there is clear evidence that
the family has used patronymics (Norse naming system), it is acceptable to use the above
categorization.  It is interesting that the matches for this R1a haplotype parallel others in Shetland
(but apparently not Orkney), and appear to indicate an affiliation with the Asian origin group.  This
cannot be confirmed unless all 37 markers are made available